


MMDbiz offers a wide range of services to assist with all your business needs

Create stunning websites
Design compelling logos
produce engaging graphics
Configure emails
Setup domains & Hosting
obtain toll-free numbers
Design Flyers & Brochures
Add social media presence
AI integration & Custom chatGPTs
Source & Design Products
Configure e-commerce
Copywriting & TExt Optimization
Financial Analysis
Patent & Trademark Support
server Virtualization & Cloud services

Web Design

Custom websites tailored to your brand and business needs
user centric design
  • Intuitive navigation
  • Clear call-to-actions (CTAs)
  • Accessible design for all users
Responsive Layout
  • Mobile-friendly design
  • Cross-browser compatibility
  • Adaptive to various screen sizes
Performance Optimization
  • Fast loading times
  • Optimized images & media
  • Efficient coding practices
Security Measures
  • SSL certificate for secure browsing
  • Regular updates & backups
  • Malware and threat protection
Analytics & Tracking
  • Google Analytics integration
  • User behavior tracking
  • Conversion rate monitoring
Interactive Elements
  • Forms & contact options
  • Social media integration
  • Interactive maps & features
Content Strategy
  • Engaging & relevant content
  • SEO-optimized text
  • Easy-to-read typography
Logo & Graphic Design

Transform your Brand…

  • Website Development
  • Logo Design
  • Social Media Layouts
  • Signs, Posters, Billboards
  • Brochures, Promotional Items
  • Business Cards & Letterhead

Artificial Intelligence

We use AI to speed-up various processes, which saves money for you
AI Enabled Templates
  • Tailored content creation
  • Prefilled design elements
  • Faster results -> cost savings
Image creation
  • Develop image concepts
  • Create non-existent images
  • Photoshop for finishing touches
Custom GPTS
  • AI enabled chat bots
  • Website integration
  • Custom code generation
Improve COpywriting
  • Develop copy concepts
  • Improve content with AI
  • Human edit on final copy
Create Audio
  • Voice cloning
  • Text to speech
  • Speech to speech
  • Voice isolation

Business Operations

MMDbiz helped numerous businesses streamline their business operations
Business Process design
  • e-Commerce Integration
  • Order-to-Cash Process
  • Product Lifecycle Analysis
Product Design & Sourcing
  • Concept Design to Final Product
  • CAD Drawings
  • Local & International Sourcing
Financial Analysis
  • QuickBooks Audits
  • Balance Sheets/ PNL
  • Cost Saving Measures
Patent & Trademarks
  • Preliminary Applicability Studies
  • Facilitate PTO Applications
  • Legal Expert Sourcing
Business Strategies
  • Branding, SEO
  • Business & Marketing Plans
  • Collateral, Messaging, Copywriting

High Speed hosting
on Virtual private servers

MMDbiz owns multiple virtual private servers at Inmotion Hosting which allows us to provide high speed, tightly controlled hosting to our customers at a great price.


99.99% Uptime guarantee and Security Monitoring


Ultra fast all SSD based storage, industry leading Web Hosting Server and Application Software


Free SSL certificates for any website


Tier 1 network with direct internet backbone access including redundant pathways

Voip & IT

Voip (Voice over IP)
  • Soft Clients
  • UC Server Configuration with Dial Plans
  • Trunking, Hunt Group, Attendant Config.
  • Toll-Free numbers
  • Cloud VoIP Provider Setup
IT (Information Technology)
  • Email Configuration (Google / Microsoft etc.)
  • Domain Management
  • Server Virtualization
  • Data Storage Solutions
  • Cloud Services (Azure, AWS etc.)
Site Maintenance

Comprehensive site maintenance

MMDbiz fully maintains your sites, including content management, plugins, theme updates, etc.

We update our hosting servers regularly to the latest backend, database and PHP releases to ensure max performance and security.

Get Started Now